Pink and Purple and Trying to be a Trooper

Exploring and adapting to new places and challenges with my bright pink backpack, I am studying international development and anthropology and trying to make sense of the diversity of human experience across the globe. Back in Canada and back into the grind, still trying to make sense of my adventures.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

The Thesis Life

Writing a thesis is like having a splinter.

You stare at it all the time, knowing that you really need to do something about it.

Most of the time you can ignore it, but every once in a while it violently reminds you that it's there and that it needs to be dealt with.

Thinking about dealing with it is a lot worse than actually dealing with it.

As a result, you suffer a lot of anxiety for several days, much more than you really should. Then, finally, you steel yourself and do something about it. It's not the most pleasant experience, but you feel a lot better afterward.

Then it starts again.